G.F. Strong Rehab Centre Acquired Brain Injury Programs

by | Aug 11, 2011 | Community Events & Programs, Living with Brain Injury

G.F. Strong hosts a number of workshops for suvivors of brain injury and stroke, their family and friends. These workshops provide an open, informal forum in which to discuss and learn about the brain, how it works, and its recovery. Attendees concerns, questions and experiences guide the session.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury: A Workshop for Families & Friends

This open, informal workshop is facilitated by a doctor and educator from the Acquired Brain Injury Program at GF Strong Rehab Centre.

Topics of discussion include:

  • the brain and how it works
  • the many changes that happen after a brain injury
  • practical rehabilitation strategies to help
  • life after brain injury and resources to help you through your journey

September 21, 2011: 6.00 – 9.00pm
November 17, 2011: 6.00 – 9.00pm


Understanding Stroke: A Workshop for Families & Friends

Topics of discussion include:

  • the brain and how it works
  • the many changes that happen after a stroke
  • practical rehabilitation strategies to help
  • life after stroke and resources to help you through your journey

October 19, 2011: 6.00 – 9.00pm
December 15, 2011: 6.00 – 9.00pm


Building Community Connections: A Workshop for Suvivors, Families and Friends

This workshop is facilitated by the Community Intervention Coordinator. The workshop is interactive, with open group discussions, opportunities for sharing and problem solving with others. Survivors and caregivers share their personal journeys and discuss some of the successes and challenges they encountered in returning to the community.

Learn more about:

  • What is community and why is it important to link people with resources in their local community?
  • How do we build community connections?
  • What are some of the available resources in my community?
  • What experiences have others had connecting with resources?

September 14, 2011: 6.00 – 8.00 pm
November 9, 2011: 6.00 – 8.00 pm


GF Strong Rehab Centre
4255 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2G9
Social Services Seminar Room (#189, main floor)

Do I need to register?
Registration is not needed and these workshops are free to attend, but please contact GF Strong at 604-737-6221 to let them know how many of your family and friends will be attending.

More questions?
For more information please call the GF Strong Educator at 604-737-6221.