by | Aug 12, 2013 | Case Results, Legal Articles & Tips, Living with Brain Injury
If the injury is a traumatic brain injury, all of the following reasons are twice as important; patients cannot recover alone, and must rely upon family to look after things while they concentrate on healing. 1. To provide peace of mind so the family can concentrate...
by Daniel Corrin | May 19, 2013 | Community Events & Programs, Living with Brain Injury
After sustaining a hairline fracture to her femur, Jennifer Weterings was admitted to St. Paul’s Hospital. Within 24 hours she had developed progressive multi-organ failure, due to severe sepsis, secondary to MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Her...
by Daniel Corrin | Feb 13, 2012 | Living with Brain Injury
The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) website has a number of useful online resources for individuals and family members affected by traumatic brain injury. “Behavioral Challenges After Brain Injury” (PDF) is one such resource that informs people...
by Daniel Corrin | Nov 14, 2011 | Living with Brain Injury, News & Research
For many people, driving represents freedom and independence. For survivors of traumatic brain injuries driving has been identified as a key component of achieving autonomy and re-integration into the community. Unfortunately, many TBI survivors (and indeed people...
by Daniel Corrin | Oct 7, 2011 | Living with Brain Injury
Physical disabilities and cognitive impairment are the main reasons that an individual may be unable to drive after a traumatic brain injury. Doctors are required to inform the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles that a person has a health condition which impairs their...
by Daniel Corrin | Aug 11, 2011 | Community Events & Programs, Living with Brain Injury
G.F. Strong hosts a number of workshops for suvivors of brain injury and stroke, their family and friends. These workshops provide an open, informal forum in which to discuss and learn about the brain, how it works, and its recovery. Attendees concerns, questions and...