Q&A – Ask a Brain Injury Lawyer

What happens if I am responsible for an accident that causes injuries to my partner or children? Many of our clients have found themselves in the situation of being involved in an accident that might be the fault of a family member. Sadly some people have found...

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Brain Condition Caused by Side Effects of Prescription Drugs

Brain Condition Caused by Side Effects of Prescription Drugs

Not all brain injury arises from a traumatic event. A number of our clients have developed an often irreversible brain disorder called Tardive dyskinesia. Tardive means “delayed” and dyskinesia means “abnormal movement.” Tardive dyskinesia is a serious side effect...

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Q&A – Ask a Brain Injury Lawyer

How long will it take to resolve my legal claim? If you have suffered a brain or spinal cord injury as a result of an accident it will usually take an average of three to four years to resolve your case. However, there are many factors that go into resolving a case...

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8 Tips for selecting a lawyer

The questions below are designed to help select legal counsel, yet they can also form the basis for the selection of a specialist in any related field. Not all professionals are equally qualified to provide services following brain injury. Search for and retain the...

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The Role of Expert Opinion in the Litigation Process

Introduction The opinions of experts are a fundamental component in properly developing the personal injury case for the plaintiff or defence. In our practice at Webster & Associates we focus on catastrophic injuries, mainly brain injuries. It is not uncommon to...

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Accessing Funding For Brain Injury Survivors

Introduction Brian Webster, the founder of Webster & Associates, has been practicing brain injury litigation for over 30 years. He and his litigation team have successfully represented hundreds of survivors of traumatic brain injury throughout BC and around the...

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Legal Issues Following Brain Injury

This is an introduction to legal issues, some or all of which will likely face survivors of traumatic brain injury or their families. I raise these issues and discuss them briefly with the expectation that readers will perhaps note them on first reading and then...

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