Helmets – Legal Obligation or Legend?  

Helmets – Legal Obligation or Legend?  

Over the years many of our clients have suffered head injuries while cycling, riding motorcycles or longboards, skiing or skating. We strongly recommend that everyone who could possibly benefit from wearing an approved helmet while engaging in sporting activities...

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ICBC Car Accident Resulting in Brain Injury

ICBC Car Accident Resulting in Brain Injury

Gabor v. Boilard, 2015 BCSC 1724 The Case of the Accident of Ms. Gabor “The experts agreed that no other area of medicine is as controversial as mild traumatic brain injury [296]” In the case of Ms. Gabor, liability was admitted, and the facts of this matter of the...

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Chronic pain and depression – what’s the link?

Chronic pain and depression – what’s the link?

Chronic pain and depression – what’s the link? A recent study on mice, conducted by scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, found that chronic neuropathic pain (pain from nerve injury) can induce genetic changes in areas of the brain...

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Depression following brain injury or concussion

Depression following brain injury or concussion

It’s upsetting to read stories about the death of young people, directly or indirectly, related to brain injury or concussion.Ty Pozzobon’s death following his concussion is certainly a tragedy. The CBC story discusses the statistical frequency of depression following...

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The ever-changing world of concussion rehabilitation

The ever-changing world of concussion rehabilitation

Concussion Rehabilitation Research A recent article in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) suggests that physical activity following concussion (in youth) is better than rest. The study itself examined symptoms for PPCS (persistent post concussion...

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Diagnosis “Concussion”: Legal battle or medical?

Diagnosis “Concussion”: Legal battle or medical?

In most personal injury cases involving an “mTBI” or “concussion”, there is no physical evidence of the injury.  In other words, actual damage to tissue can not be seen and must be inferred from the mechanism of injury and observed symptoms.  Most of the medical...

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