A Run to Remember – brain injury awareness event

by | Jul 4, 2011 | Community Events & Programs

Brain injury survivor David McGuire is running a marathon a day across Canada to raise awareness of brain injury.

The New Westminister native sustained a brain injury in 2005 and, although he was told that he may never walk again, David completed his first marathon a year after his injury. Determined to raise awareness of brain injury and brain injury prevention, on April 1st 2011 David began A Run to Remember – an epic, 7 month run across Canada.

“I am not an athlete… I am not a rock star…or the relative of a famous person. I am just a guy with a brain injury – like so many others – but I can run, and I have a story to tell…Some may call me crazy but I am trying to get people talking about brain injury… This run will bring awareness and understanding to the issue of brain injury…”

David is currently making his way through Quebec and will finish in Victoria, BC this October. To find out more about this amazing journey and to track David’s progress visit run to remember.com.

Read a 3 page article on David’s journey from sustaining brain injury to running across Canada in Headline Magazine’s summer edition.

Follow David’s blog: http://r2rcanada.blogspot.com