Brian Webster to Co-Chair Brain Injury Conference

by | Apr 5, 2011 | News & Research

TLABC Brain Injury Conference 2011:
The Anatomy of a Brain Injury Case: Focus on the Frontal Lobes

May 13-14, 2011
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, Vancouver, Canada

Brain Webster, QC, is co-chairing the Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia’s brain injury conference with Harvard trained addictions psychiatrist Dr. Shaohua Lu. This year’s conference will be held on May 13th and 14th at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, with the theme The Anatomy of a Brain Injury Case: Focus on the Frontal Lobes.

The conference is aimed at lawyers, physicians and allied health professionals.  It is geared towards educating those with limited brain injury experience to those with a significant history in the field. It aims to provide attendees with tangible, practical, and theoretical information on brain injuries. A number of renowned, legal and medical professionals will provide their insight into key elements of a brain injury case: from incident and diagnosis, to treatment and successful prosecution of brain injury litigation cases. Medical physiology, imaging and behavioural aspects of frontal lobe presentation will also be covered.  As well, special guest Neil Sugarman, one of the UK’s leading litigation experts on shaken baby syndrome, will  provide unique perspective on the Canadian system in comparison to Great Britain.


Legal speakers include:

  • Brian Webster, QC, Solicitor, Webster & Associates
  • Daniel Corrin, Lawyer, Webster & Associates
  • Neil Sugarman, Solicitor, GLP Solicitors
  • Mike Slater, QC, Founding Partner, Slater Vecchio
  • Albert Roos, QC, Founding Partner, Sugden, McFee & Roos LLP
  • Richard Lindsay, QC, Partner, Lindsay Kenney LLP
  • Linda Wong, Senior Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Pacific Medical Law
  • Avon Mersey, Partner, Fasken Martineau

Medical speakers include:

  • Dr. Shaohua Lu, Addictions Psychiatrist
  • Dr. Cherly Wellington, Brain Injury Research Pathologist
  • Dr. Joe Tham, Neuropsychiatrist
  • Dr. Nick Bogod, Neuropsychologist
  • Dr. Manrag Heran, Neuroradiologist
  • Dr. Bradley Allen Fritiz, GP

Videos: “A Day in the Life” and “Aquired Brain Injury”

Conference attendees and speakers are encouraged to watch the below videos as they will serve as harmonizing features of the conference. Please bring your comments and thoughts about the videos with you to the conference. Please note that the videos will also be shown at the event.

“A Day in the Life” provides a glimpse into the life of Christina MacEachern, a severly brain injured woman. Christina suffered severe bi-frontal lobe injuries on September 12th, 2005 when her head came into contact with a semi-trailer truck. A 60-minute video of Christina (post-injury) was produced by Shawn Serdar of Pacific Producers Group and was shown by Christina’s counsel (Webster & Associates) during her trial. This 13 minute, edited version of the video has kindly been made available by Christina’s guardian for educational purposes.


“Aquired Brain Injury” was produced by Dean Powers, a Rehabilitation Consultant and Vocational Expert. The video follows a Q&A format, documenting the feedback of six suvivors with varying degrees of brain injury. It looks at the impact of brain injury on these individuals’ personal and professional lives, including the barriers to employment they have faced.


For more information and to register to attend this event, please visit the TLABC website.